The Sims 4: Life and Death

The Halp Network caw-template the perfect actor to bring The Sims 4’s top bird to life.

A big “Vadish!” (that’s “thank you” in Simlish) to The Sims Team and EA Games for the incredible opportunity to assist with the casting for The Sims 4: Life and Death! Thank you to our amazing casting team, Julia Bianco Schoeffling and Lexington Vanderberg, for their fantastic work on this terrifyingly cool new expansion pack!

Getting to cast for a Sims game is a huge honor and we couldn’t be more delighted to expand our search to include actors with unique talents – like creating lifelike animal sounds! IT was an amazing experience searching for an actor who could perfectly mimick a crow while bringing the nuanced humor and charm to The Sims 4 that a real crow couldn’t deliver!

Services in this project:
Dialogue Services

Dialogue Services

We’re always so excited to work with actors with amazing talents!

The Sims 4: Life and Death adds multiple spooky elements to the game including a new career, missions, and items.


  • Client: EA Games
  • Services Provided: Casting Services

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